Image Entry Rules:
  • Competitions in prints and digital projection are held at regular monthly meetings and at the Salon which is held annually in December. See Salon Rules, published elsewhere, for details concerning the Salon. Competition is open to all members in good standing of the Pikes Peak Camera Club.
  • Competitors may submit up to two (2) images in each competition division/category in a monthly competition meeting.
  • Images so similar as to be almost identical cannot be entered in more than one division/category in any given month, whether print or digital projection. An individual image can be entered in only one division/category in any given month.
  • Each image submitted must have been exposed by the entrant. Each entry must have a title, and must bear the entrant’s name. Members may enter Print and Digital Projection Competitions. See Print and Digital Projection Competition Rules for details.
  • Entrants may give their work to someone else to submit for them.
  • A list of Subjects is provided annually, one Subject for each competition month. Any photographic subject may be entered in the “Open” competition division.
  • Entries are not eligible for monthly competition of the club if they have won Awards or Honorable Mentions (HMs) in previous monthly competitions. This means if an image that has won in a regular monthly competition, whether in print or digital projection, it may not be entered in any regular monthly competition again.
  • Images so similar as to be almost identical to images that have won Awards or Honorable Mentions (HMs) in monthly competition, regardless of the title, are ineligible for competition.
  • An image that has won in a salon or scavenger hunt may be entered in a regular monthly competition.
  • An image that has won in a regular monthly competition may be entered in the salon.
  • Computer enhanced images are eligible for competition.
  • The image must be exposed by the entrant and must originate in a camera on photographic film or on a digital sensor. Any modification of the original image must be made by the entrant.
  • Images downloaded from any www. type website are not allowed to be any part of an image entered in competition.
  • Entry Specifications for Images & prints:

  • ----> Send digital images to our club IMAGE COORDINATOR <>
    (ENTRIES should be received by the Sunday before each meeting)
    ----> Bring prints to the club meeting (arriving by 6:45pm)
    ----> Images should be .jpg and conform to 1920x1080 … and any resolution, but high is best.
    ----> Naming: Meeting Date_Division_Title_Maker (ex. 6-10-20_Creative_Land Before Time_John Smith.jpg)
    ----> Print size: generally 11x14 or bigger, so they can be easily viewed by the judged from 10 feet away.
    ----> Prints must be mounted but not framed. They can be masked and borders are optional.

What Judges Look For:
  • Technical competence.
  • Artistic merit, composition, depth of field.
  • Does the photographer bring something of themselves into the image through the visual story?

Judges Instructions:
  • Competition divisions (prints and digital projection, categories (subject and open, Creative for digital also) are judged separately. Judges are instructed to use the following criteria in evaluating images: Technical Quality, Composition, Impact, and Interest.
  • For “Subject” entries, the Judge also must take into account how well the entry fits the subject category.
  • Comments and constructive criticism are encouraged, but not required for each entry.
  • Judges will give each entry a score of from 1 to 10 points, except for Subject entries that do not fit the Subject category. These images may receive a score of 0 (zero). Images will be awarded a point value using the following scale: 10 – 9 Excellent; 8 – 7 Above average; 6 – 5 Average; 4 – 3 Below average; 2 – 1 Poor; 0 Rejected (to be used only if the entry does not conform to the assigned subject)
  • Judges are encouraged to use the entire point scale when awarding points
  • The judge determines how well an entry fits the subject and awards points accordingly.
  • The quality or color of matting for prints will not be a determining factor in scoring points.
  • In addition to awarding points to each print or digital image; the judge will select “Awards” and “Honorable Mentions”. Ten percent of the entries in each category will be given Awards, and ten percent Honorable Mention. If ten percent is not a whole number, then the next higher number will be used. Points awarded to entries should be based on the merits of the entry, not the number of Awards and Honorable Mentions to be given.
  • If time permits, after the judging in each division/category, members are encouraged; to ask questions about any of the images shown, such as exposure information, filters used, location, etc.
  • The judge shall be provided the information as defined in COMPETITION RULES PROJECTED DIGITAL #3 regarding what qualifies as a Creative image for the Creative category in advance of the competition.
  • Point System: Each entrant receives a monthly point score equal to the sum of the points awarded by the judges plus one (1) point for each Honorable Mention, and two (2) points for each Award. Scores are accumulated for the year from January through November, awards based on these totals are presented at the annual Salon Banquet. Scavenger Hunt points are excluded from this total.
  • Salon Eligibility: The Salon is a separate competition held annually in December. The Salon has a separate set of subjects and is judged in November. See Salon Rules for details. Members who enter at least one print or digital projection image in monthly competition during a competition year (January November), may compete in the Salon.
  • Makeup Entries: Club members who are unable to submit their images for competition (or are unable to give them to someone else to submit) due to bad weather or other emergencies, must receive verbal approval from the President or Vice President, in order to have their images judged for “points only” at the next competition meeting. Awards or Honorable Mentions cannot be awarded.
  • Member Judges: A club member who volunteers to judge a monthly competition may submit his or her images for that competition for “points only” at the next following monthly competition. Awards or HM’s cannot be awarded.